You Need to Decide NOW! What Do You Want

Good Morning, fabulous humans!

Today, you’re not just waking up—you’re rising to the occasion. Forget the snooze button; opportunity waits for no one. Ready to flip your script and own the day? It's time to dive in!

— Start Over Kitty


Break the Chains: Live Life on YOUR Terms!

Ever feel like you’re living someone else’s dream? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Society, upbringing, and well-meaning folks have a way of weaving their expectations into our lives like some overenthusiastic spider. But here’s the kicker: those webs are yours to untangle.

Living life on your terms isn't just a catchy phrase; it’s a revolution. Imagine waking up each day with a sense of purpose, driven by what you want, not by what others expect. Feels liberating, doesn’t it?

To dive deeper, let’s get real. The world constantly bombards us with a barrage of “shoulds.” You should be successful. You should settle down. You should eat more kale. (Seriously, what’s the deal with kale?) But here’s the truth: you should be happy. Full stop.

So, how do you reframe that mindset?

Start by asking yourself: What do I want? Not your parents, not your boss, not your neighbor with the perfectly manicured lawn. You.

Next, identify the external pressures weighing you down. Name them, shame them, and kick them to the curb.

Finally, craft a personal vision. What does your authentic life look like? Break it down into bite-sized goals and start munching away.

Remember, the only person you owe anything to is yourself. So go ahead, rewrite your narrative. The world will adjust.


Ignite Your Inner Fire

We've all been there — stuck in the rut of daily routine, finding it hard to muster up the energy to chase after our dreams. But what if the secret lies in setting personal goals and staying connected to your 'why'?

So, first things first, you need to identify what truly fires you up. Think of it as your personal North Star, guiding you through the fog of life's distractions. Got it? Great! Now, let's talk strategy.

  • Break It Down: Split your bigger goals into smaller, manageable chunks. These bite-sized pieces make it easier to stay on track and celebrate those mini-victories along the way.

  • Visualize Success: Picture yourself achieving your goals. The more vividly you can imagine your success, the more motivated you'll be to make it a reality.

  • Accountability Partners: Find a buddy to share your goals with. Having someone to cheer you on (or give you a nudge when needed) makes a world of difference.

Staying motivated isn't about willpower alone. It's about setting meaningful goals and staying laser-focused on your 'why'. So, light that fire and watch your journey blaze forward!


Leap Before You Look... Sometimes

Ever felt like you're stuck at the starting line, waiting for the perfect moment to make your move? Guess what—that moment might never come.

So, why not leap before you look? Sometimes, the biggest breakthroughs come from daring actions, not careful plans.

The Bold Steps Blueprint

Ready to shake things up? Here’s your action plan to turn hesitation into motivation:

  1. Identify Your Fear: What's holding you back? Name it. Sometimes just recognizing it can make it less scary.

  2. Set Micro-Goals: Break your big scary goal into bite-sized pieces. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they laid bricks every hour.

  3. Take the First Step: Whether it's sending that email, making that call, or simply writing down your plan—do something today that brings you closer to your goal.

By taking bold steps, you shift the narrative from "What if I fail?" to "What if I succeed?" And trust us, the latter is way more exciting.

Ready. Set. Go!


Self-Belief: Your Secret Superpower

Do you hear that?

That’s the sound of your inner cheerleader, desperately trying to shout over your doubts.

Self-belief isn't just a nice-to-have; it’s your secret superpower. When you trust yourself, you unlock a world of possibilities. Positive self-talk isn’t just fluff—it's your mental gym, building the muscles of self-confidence.

So, how do you cultivate this inner trust? Start small. Celebrate tiny victories. Challenge negative thoughts with facts.

Remember, you’re not just believing in yourself; you’re setting the stage for everything you’ll achieve.


Engage & Connect

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Today’s Exercise: Reconnect with Your True Self

Have you ever felt like you're living someone else’s life? Like your daily routine is scripted by society's expectations? It’s time to change that.

Grab your journal and answer this prompt: "What would I do if I lived life solely on my own terms?" Write freely, let your thoughts flow. Don’t hold back!


Think about how far you've come.

What small steps have you taken towards living authentically? Celebrate those wins, no matter how tiny they seem. Remember, growth is a journey, not a destination.

Keep a daily log of your reflections. Over time, you'll see how incredible your progress is.

Your moment of growth is now. Embrace it.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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