What Does it Really Mean to “Start Over”?

Rise and shine, you!

The idea of Starting Over can feel daunting. Terrifying, even–especially when it involves leaving behind something familiar, like a career you once loved or a relationship that no longer serves either of you.

What if we changed the way we see Starting Over?

What if…and bear with me here…starting over was a lowercase event, meaning less like a Big Huge Deal and more like one small decision, one small action, or one moment at a time?

Just flow with it.

I really like the sound of that. What about you?

— Start Over Kitty


“Everything is temporary. Emotion, thoughts, people, and scenery. Do not become attached; just flow with it.”

— Violet Evergarden


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Starting Over to Align with Personal Values

Like your guiding North Star, your personal values are the principles and standards that matter most to you. They form the foundation of your beliefs; they influence your decisions and behaviors; they set the stage for how you interact with and interpret the events of your life.

When you know and can recognize your personal values from a mile away, you also gain a secondary superpower.

You start to notice when things in your life or habits you have don’t line up with your values.

Signs like dissatisfaction and restlessness creep in. Maybe you feel a little more tired than usual. Maybe you find it more difficult to adopt self-care practices that you know you need to be at your best.

Once you notice something’s out of whack, this can spark a desire for change—the first step to starting over.

Signs It’s Time to Make a Change: Corporate Edition

Recognizing when it's time to make a change isn't always straightforward, but there are telltale signs that might indicate it's time to pivot. These “symptoms” might also indicate a gap in your processes and systems, or a disconnect between your goals and the everyday actions you and your employees or team members are taking.

  1. Persistent Discontent: If you regularly feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or frustrated with your job, it could be a sign that your work isn't aligned with your personal values.

  2. Stagnation: Lack of growth opportunities, both professionally and personally, can signal that it's time to seek new challenges that foster your development.

  3. Compromised Integrity: Feeling pressured to compromise your ethical standards or principles is a red flag indicating misalignment between your values and your corporate environment.

  4. Burnout: Chronic stress, fatigue, and a lack of enthusiasm for your work often suggest that your current role is draining rather than energizing you. This is so common for entrepreneurs and leaders who are used to the Do It All, At All Costs mentality that, nine times out of ten, leads to prematurely closing your doors.

  5. Lack of Appreciation: If your contributions are consistently overlooked or undervalued, it may be time to find a place where your efforts are recognized and appreciated. And if someone on your team comes to you with this insight, it’s a good indicator that your recognition efforts need a second look.


New Tool Alert: The Starting Over Toolkit!

Are you ready for this? (Yes, you are!) Our team has been busy putting together your real-world, actionable steps and tools to help you get unstuck and get moving. The Start Over Toolkit includes 7 fully-guided mini-sections in a journal-style written format to help you learn and execute at the same time.

Each section entails the importance of that section, strategic & mindset shifts, and an action step to help you reinvent your NEW life or career without feeling lost in the process!


🔄 How to Change Your Life: 8 Steps to Start Over

⚠️ 7 Signs That You Need a Change

💪 How to Play to Your Strengths

📋 12 Clear-Cut Signs It’s Time for You to Change Jobs


First things first! Let’s check in about last week’s self-acceptance challenge!

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Okay, now on to this week’s challenge: Identify Your Strengths!

When we’re so focused on what we need to change about ourselves, it’s too easy to get bogged down in creating a giant list of things we wish were different.

But listen closely, you incredible human! You have a whole slew of unique gifts and strengths ready to be noticed and nourished.

Throughout this week, take on each strategy for uncovering your strengths!

  1. Complete a Self-Assessment: Create a list or an inventory of your skills, passions, and things that drive you. What tasks do you excel at? What attributes do you consistently bring to your work or life? What lights you up? (Having trouble with this one? It’s one of the inventories included in our Starting Over Toolkit! Check it out here.)

  2. Seek feedback: Ask colleagues, friends, and mentors to provide insights into your strengths from an outside perspective. (This is SO powerful!)

  3. Reflect on Your Successes: Look back at past achievements and consider what strengths you leveraged to attain those successes.

Once you know your strengths, it’s far easier to identify your values and pursue the things that better align with who you are and who you want to become.


Embrace the Journey – Every Step of It!

Starting over can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make. It allows you to realign your life with your personal values, recognize when change is necessary, leverage your strengths, and find fulfilling work that resonates with your core beliefs.

Remember, it's okay to embrace the unknown; every step you take holds the potential for growth and discovery.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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