We're setting boundaries this weekend. You?

Good Morning, beautiful souls!

We know it's the weekend, and you're probably sipping on your favorite cup of coffee, lounging in your comfiest PJs.

Or maybe you're gearing up for an epic Saturday adventure.

Either way, thanks for letting us pop into your inbox! We're here to sprinkle a little inspiration into your day.

Today, we're covering into the art of setting personal boundaries—because let's face it, even superheroes need a break sometimes!

— Start Over Kitty


"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

— Oscar Wilde


Setting Personal Boundaries: Your Life, Your Rules

It's Saturday. Finally, some time to breathe, relax, and maybe binge-watch your favorite series without interruptions. Or not. Because guess what? Those boundaries you've been meaning to set? They're waving at you like an overexcited neighbor.

Setting personal boundaries isn't just a weekday chore; it's an all-week-long necessity, especially on weekends when you're trying to recharge.

Ever tried saying "no" to that persistent friend who just has to make last-minute plans? It's like dodging a social landmine.

Here's a quick guide to setting and maintaining your boundaries this weekend:

  • Recognize Your Limits: Feel the need to scream into a pillow when another Zoom invite pops up? Your body's signaling that it's time to draw a line. Listen to it.

  • Communicate Clearly: Use phrases like "I need some me-time" or "Let's catch up next week." You don’t need an elaborate excuse. Simplicity is key.

  • Respect Your Own Rules: This might be the hardest part. Stick to the boundaries you set. It's tempting to bend them, especially for close friends or family, but remember—you're doing this for your well-being.

So go ahead. Set those boundaries. Your future self (and your sanity) will thank you.


Did You Know?

In Japan, there's a concept called "Ma" which refers to the space between things—the pauses in conversations, the intervals in music, and even the gaps in our daily schedules. It's all about appreciating the empty space and recognizing its value.

How does this tie into setting and maintaining personal boundaries? Think of your boundaries as the framework for your "Ma." By setting clear limits, you create valuable space for yourself—time to recharge, reflect, and grow.

So next time you feel overwhelmed, remember: it's okay to say "no" and carve out some "Ma" for yourself.

Embrace the gaps and let them work their magic in your life!


How Strong Are Your Boundaries?

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Setting and maintaining personal boundaries isn't just about keeping others at bay; it's about honoring yourself. It's about understanding that you have limits, and that's okay.

Boundaries are not walls; they're bridges to a healthier, happier you.

Reflect on your goals. In which areas of your life do you need firmer boundaries? Make a small change today.

Reclaim your space.

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Keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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