Weekend Self-Care: 7 Rituals for Instant Bliss

Good Morning, community.

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First — a very big ‘THANK YOU’ to each and every one of you for joining our Start Over Daily community. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us! We're thrilled to have you on this journey of embracing new beginnings and empowering each other to pivot with confidence. Here's to many more milestones together!

Now, welcome to Saturday, the unofficial day of new beginnings. Whether you’re tackling that long-neglected garage or dreaming up the next big idea, today is your day.

Did you know that statistically, people who take small, consistent steps toward their goals are more likely to maintain their momentum? That’s right! It’s not about the grand gestures but the little, steady ones.

So, make Saturday the day you take the first step—or the next step—toward your happier, healthier, wealthier life. The journey to starting over doesn't demand perfection. It just needs your presence.

— Start Over Kitty


Relaxation Station

Simple Self-Care Rituals to Recharge and Rejuvenate This Weekend

Ah, the weekend. That sacred 48-hour window where you can finally escape the grind and focus on what really matters: yourself. But be honest, sometimes your weekends end up being more about laundry and less about luxury. However, don’t worry … we’re sharing some simple yet effective rituals to help you recharge and rejuvenate.

But first, let’s talk about why self-care is so important. According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death. Yikes! And yet, 44% of Americans report that their stress levels have increased over the past five years. Taking time for self-care isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential for your health and well-being.

The Art of Doing Nothing

Who knew that doing nothing could be such a powerful act of self-care? Find a comfy spot, grab a blanket, and let yourself be blissfully unproductive. Embrace the joy of lounging. Bonus points if you can avoid checking your phone for an hour—digital detox, anyone?

Bath Time Bliss

Transform your bathroom into a mini-spa with a warm bath. Add some Epsom salts, a few drops of essential oils (lavender and eucalyptus are divine), and light a candle or two. The goal here is to soak until you resemble a raisin. Trust me, you’ll emerge feeling like a brand-new human.

Gourmet, Your Way

Forget the microwave meals and takeout menus. Channel your inner chef and whip up something delicious. Cooking can be incredibly therapeutic, and there’s nothing quite like savoring a meal you’ve crafted with your own two hands. Plus, you get to control the playlist—singing into a spatula is highly encouraged.

Nature Calls

No, not that kind of nature call. I’m talking about getting outside and soaking up some vitamin D. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll in the park, a hike in the woods, or just sitting in your backyard with a good book, connecting with nature is a surefire way to recharge your batteries. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress and improve mood.

Netflix and Unwind

Sometimes, the best way to recharge is to completely zone out. Queue up your favorite feel-good movies or that TV series everyone’s been raving about. Pop some popcorn, put on your coziest pajamas, and let yourself be swept away by the magic of binge-watching.

Creative Expression

Tap into your artistic side with a little creative time. Draw, paint, write, or even color in one of those intricate adult coloring books. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece—the act of creating is what’s important. It’s a fantastic way to de-stress and let your mind wander.

Mindfulness Moments

Give meditation or yoga a try. These practices are fantastic for reducing stress and bringing a sense of calm and balance to your life. If you’re new to it, there are plenty of apps and online videos to guide you. Just ten minutes can make a world of difference. Research shows that mindfulness can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and even improve physical health.

So, there you have it. Simple, delightful self-care rituals to make your weekend feel like a mini-vacation. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential. Take this time to recharge and rejuvenate. You deserve it!


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Spice Up Your Weekend With These Healthy Recipes

Feeling adventurous in the kitchen this weekend? Time to ditch the takeout menu and whip up something that’ll make your taste buds dance and your waistline thank you.

Let’s talk about meals that are as good for your health as they are for your Instagram feed.

1. Zesty Quinoa Salad

Who knew tiny grains could pack such a punch? Quinoa isn’t just for yogis and health nuts; it's for anyone who loves a satisfying crunch with a zesty twist. Add some cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese (because life is better with cheese), and a squeeze of lemon. Voilà! You’ve got yourself a salad that’s equal parts refreshing and filling.

2. Green Goddess Smoothie

Move over, coffee. This green smoothie is the perfect way to kickstart your morning. Spinach, kale, a banana, and a splash of almond milk make for a nutrient-packed powerhouse. Toss in some chia seeds if you’re feeling fancy. Blend until smooth, and sip until you’re radiating green goodness.

3. Spicy Cauliflower Tacos

Who says tacos have to be meaty? Roast cauliflower florets with chili powder, cumin, and a dash of paprika. Stuff them into whole-wheat tortillas and top with avocado, salsa, and a drizzle of lime juice. It’s taco night with a healthy twist, but just as messy, so keep those napkins handy!

Weekends are for indulging, but who says indulgence can't be healthy? Try these recipes and let your taste buds and body start over on a deliciously nutritious note.

Bon Appétit!


Detox Your Digital Life

Today's mission, should you choose to accept it: Detox Your Digital Life.

We've all been there—endlessly scrolling, inbox overflowing, notifications popping up like an over-caffeinated whack-a-mole game. Time to take control!

Tips to Declutter Your Digital Digs:

  • Unsubscribe: Yes, that newsletter from 2015 you're still receiving? Buh-bye! Clean up your inbox by hitting that unsubscribe button on all those ancient subscriptions.

  • App Audit: Do a ruthless app cleanse. If you haven't used it in a month, it’s gotta go. Your phone memory will thank you.

  • Notification Nirvana: Turn off non-essential notifications. Trust me, you don’t need to know every time someone likes your cat meme.

Feel lighter already?

Let's keep the momentum going! Share your digital detox journey with us. Did you find an app that’s been lurking since the Stone Age? Did you discover a newfound love for a clutter-free inbox?

Drop us a line, and let's celebrate our victories together!


Self-Care & Starting Over Trivia

Test your knowledge with this fun trivia question!

What Japanese concept focuses on finding beauty in imperfection and the transient nature of life?

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Quote to Start Your Day

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - Buddha

This quote can serve as a gentle reminder to focus on the present and make the most of each day.


It’s natural to hesitate when faced with uncertainty or the prospect of failure when starting over. But remember, growth and progress often reside just beyond our comfort zones. Today, challenge yourself to embrace the unknown, to see starting over not as a setback but as a bold step forward.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team

  1. Wabi-Sabi


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