We Dare You To Take One Fearless Step

Hello, wonderful readers!

We hope this Monday finds you well and ready to embrace a new week with open hearts and minds. Today, we want to remind you of something incredibly important:

You don't need to have everything mapped out when starting over.

Life can be a beautiful, unpredictable journey. Sometimes, the most magical moments come from the unexpected, the unplanned. It's okay to take a step without seeing the entire staircase. Trust that you will find your way, one step at a time.

— Start Over Kitty


"You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

– Martin Luther King Jr.


Embrace the Journey from Scratch

Find freedom in not having everything figured out.

Starting over can feel like standing at the edge of an expansive desert, the horizon stretching out endlessly with no clear path in sight. For many men and women contemplating this journey, the uncertainty can be overwhelming. The societal pressure to have every step meticulously planned can create an unnecessary barrier to taking that first stride.

The Myth of the Perfect Plan

We live in a world that glorifies meticulous planning and foresight. From career paths to life goals, there's a pervasive belief that success is only possible if you have a detailed map guiding your every move. This myth can be particularly paralyzing when you're faced with the need to start over. The reality is, you don’t need a perfect plan to begin anew.

Embrace Uncertainty

Imagine the possibilities when you release yourself from the shackles of a rigid roadmap. Embracing uncertainty can be your greatest asset. Rather than fearing the unknown, consider it an adventure.

  • Freedom to Explore: Without a strict plan, you are free to explore new interests, passions, and opportunities.

  • Room for Growth: Flexibility allows you to pivot and change directions as you evolve.

  • Authentic Experiences: When you aren’t tied to a specific outcome, you are open to more authentic and fulfilling experiences.

Your Inner Compass

Instead of relying on a detailed map, trust your inner compass. This involves listening to your intuition, paying attention to your passions, and being open to where life leads you. Your inner compass can guide you through the uncertainty and help you make decisions that align with your true self.

  • Intuition: Trusting your gut feelings can often lead you in the right direction, even if it’s not the most conventional path.

  • Passion: Pursue what excites you, what makes you feel alive. This can be a powerful guide in your journey.

  • Openness: Be open to new experiences, people, and ideas. They can provide valuable insights and opportunities.

Empowering Yourself to Begin Again

It's incredibly empowering to give yourself permission to start over. This is an act of courage and self-love. Here’s how you can take those steps with confidence:

1. Acknowledge Your Desire for Change

Admitting that you want to start over is the first and most crucial step. Trust your intuition.

2. Let Go of Past Failures

Dwelling on past mistakes only hinders your progress. Learn from them and move forward.

3. Set Intentions, Not Plans

Intentions guide your actions but allow flexibility. Set broad, meaningful intentions that give you direction without confinement.

4. Take Consistent Action

Small actions accumulate over time. Focus on making consistent, incremental progress.

5. Seek Support

Surround yourself with encouraging people who support your journey. Community is a powerful motivator.

Starting over doesn’t require a flawless plan. It requires courage, trust in yourself, and an open heart. Embrace the journey, lean into the unknown, and give yourself permission to start over, one step at a time.


Daily News for Curious Minds

“I stopped watching the news, so sick of the bias. Was searching for an alternative that would just tell me WHAT happened, with NO editorializing. I found it. It’s called 1440. It assumes you are smart enough to form your own opinions.”


You Don't Need a Perfect Plan

In this enlightening article from the Washington Post, the author discusses the often idealized notion of having a meticulously planned life. The central theme revolves around the idea that clinging to rigid plans can sometimes limit our potential for growth and happiness.

Instead of being shackled by an unrealistic vision of "the perfect life," the article encourages us to embrace imperfection and uncertainty. It's a gentle reminder that life’s unpredictability can lead to beautiful, unplanned experiences.

Stop Planning and Start Living

In the article "Stop Planning and Start Living" from HuffPost, the author goes into the pitfalls of over-planning and the liberation that comes from embracing spontaneity.

A Career Reboot

Starting over in your career doesn't always require a meticulously detailed roadmap. Sometimes, the best opportunities arise from the most unexpected places.

In this insightful article by Harvard Business Review, the author explores how letting go of strict plans can actually pave the way for remarkable career transformations.


New Product Alert: The Starting Over Toolkit!

We're excited to share our brand-new product designed especially for you: the Starting Over Toolkit! It's packed with everything you need to make your fresh start not just easier, but genuinely enriching.

Check out the full overview and get your hands on it here.

🗓️ Newsletter Schedule Update

We've been listening closely to your feedback. Many of you have shared that your inboxes are overflowing. To respect your time and provide more value, we're shifting our newsletter delivery to Monday through Friday. This way, you can savor your weekends without the extra emails.

We might bring back the weekend editions if there's enough interest, but for now, let's make the most of our weekdays together!

We're also offering an option for you to subscribe weekly or daily.

🔄 Introducing: Subscriber Preferences

You now have the ability to update your reading frequency preferences. The result? A more personalized experience for you.

To manage your subscription:

  1. Log in to your account.

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  5. Select Daily, Weekly or both of them.

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🎶 "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield: Your Anthem for New Beginnings

Find Joy in the Process: The upbeat melody and positive lyrics lift your spirits, making you realize that starting over can be a joyful experience. Dance, sing, and let yourself be inspired by the rhythm of new possibilities.

Give it a listen.


Embrace the Unplanned

Today, make a conscious decision to do something unplanned. This could be as small as taking a different route to work, saying hello to a stranger, or trying a new dish at lunch.


Life is a continuous journey and not a scripted play. You don't need to have everything mapped out to make progress.

Embrace the uncertainty, and trust that the path will unfold as you move forward.

Until next time. Keep moving forward.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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