Strength to Smart: The Essential Pause for Your Well-Being

Hello, there!

It's finally Friday, and we can almost hear the weekend calling! Take a moment to celebrate—you’ve made it through another week, and that's worth a round of applause.

But let's get real.

Many of us are running on fumes, especially when we've been strong for too long. Today, we're diving into how to move forward when you're physically and mentally exhausted. Because you deserve a break. You deserve to recharge.

Being strong is admirable, but even the strongest need rest. When you're running on empty, it's crucial to recognize the signs and give yourself permission to pause.

— Start Over Kitty


“You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and more resilient than you realize.”

— Roy T. Bennett


Strength is overrated; knowing when to rest is the real superpower.

Ever felt like you’ve been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders for way too long?

Maybe you’re used to being "the strong one." Always there. Always dependable.

But even pillars crack under pressure.

The Myth of the Unbreakable

We live in a culture that glorifies resilience. We celebrate the all-nighters, the hustle, the grind.

But here’s the truth: being strong isn’t about never crumbling.

It’s about knowing when to seek help. When to take a break. When to rest.

Signs You’ve Hit Your Limit

Sure, you’ve been powering through. Handling crises like a champ. But lately, something feels off.

You’re more tired. More irritable. The tasks that once seemed like pebbles now feel like boulders. You might chalk it up to a bad week.

But it’s more than that. Your body and mind are sending you signals.

The Power of Pause

Imagine a rubber band stretched to its limit. Pull it just a bit more, and it snaps.

You’re no different.

Rest isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Think about athletes—they train hard, but they also rest hard. Recovery is what makes them stronger.

Asking for Help Isn't Weakness

Ever noticed how difficult it is to ask for help? Maybe it feels like admitting defeat. But here’s the kicker: asking for help is a strength. It’s recognizing your limits.

And in today’s world, that’s a superpower.

Building Your Support Network

You don’t have to go it alone. Start with a conversation.

A friend. A family member. Even a therapist.

You’ll be surprised at how willing people are to help when you’re honest about your struggles.

Moments of Real Rest

When was the last time you truly rested? Not just a quick nap or zoning out in front of the TV. But real, restorative rest. It’s different for everyone.

Maybe it’s a walk in nature. A day off with no plans. Reading a book just for fun. Find what recharges you. And make it a priority.

Stronger Together

In the end, strength isn’t about how much you can bear on your own. It’s about how well you can lean on others. How well you can listen to your own needs.

So, take that break. Ask for that help. You’ve been strong for too long. It’s time to rest. You’ve earned it.


Ready to press the refresh button without losing your mind? Grab the Starting Over Toolkit. It’s your no-nonsense guide to gaining clarity on what you want in this season of your life and how to actually make it happen. Think of it as a GPS for your goals - minus the traffic jams.


Discover How to Reclaim Your Energy and Peace

Feeling worn out? We've curated some insightful reads to help you navigate through exhaustion and find your way back to balance.

  1. A Workaholic's Guide to Reclaiming Your Life - Discover strategies to break free from the workaholic cycle and reconnect with what truly matters.
    Read it on Harvard Business Review →

  2. Why We Shut Down When Flooded with Big Emotions - Learn from a therapist about the science behind emotional shutdowns and how to manage overwhelming feelings.

    Dive into the article →

  3. The Secret Life of People with High Self-Control - Explore the habits and mindsets of individuals who master their self-control, and how you can apply these techniques to stay resilient.

    Read it on Medium →


"I Am Stronger Than My Struggles"

You possess an inner strength that has carried you through countless challenges. Remember, you are resilient, and you have the power to overcome whatever comes your way.

"It’s Okay to Rest"

Taking time to rest isn't a sign of weakness, but of wisdom. Your mind and body deserve a break. Embrace self-care without guilt—it's essential for your well-being.


🗓️ Newsletter Schedule Update

We've been listening closely to your feedback. Many of you have shared that your inboxes are overflowing. To respect your time and provide more value, we're shifting our newsletter delivery to Monday through Friday.

We might bring back the weekend editions if there's enough interest, but for now, let's make the most of our weekdays together!

We're also offering an option for you to subscribe weekly or daily.

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You now have the ability to update your reading frequency preferences. The result? A more personalized experience for you.

To manage your subscription:

  1. Log in to your account.

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We know you're tired. You've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders for what feels like forever.

Take a moment to breathe. Close your eyes and imagine a gentle wave washing over you, taking with it all your stress and worries.

It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to seek help. You are not weak; you are human.

You’ve come this far, and that’s something to be proud of. Every small step you take towards self-care and recovery is a victory.

Even the strongest oak tree needs water and sunlight. You deserve the same nourishment.

Give yourself permission to start over.

You’ve got this. We're here with you. Always.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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