Socially Awkward, Sleep, and 4-7-8 Breathing Technique

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Good morning, fabulous humans! First things first … thank you so much for your feedback — keep it coming!

Okay, now let’s get this Friday started.

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." — William Butler Yeats

Yes, you read that right. Today, you're not just waiting around for the perfect moment. You're going to create it.

Think about it: how many times have you hesitated, just waiting for the stars to align? Well, stars are overrated. It’s time to grab the universe by the horns and steer it where you want to go.

Set a positive intention today. Whether it’s tackling that daunting task at work, starting a new habit, or simply choosing joy over frustration—make it happen.

You've got this. Now go out there and heat up that iron!

- Start Over Kitty


Step Into Your Fear Zone

Ready to shake things up? Today’s challenge: Do something that scares you. Think of it as a hot date with the unknown.

Scared of public speaking? Deliver that presentation with flair.

Avoiding that tough conversation? Dive right in.

Tip: Embrace the Butterflies

  • Breathe: Deep breaths before you begin. Trust us, oxygen is your friend.

  • Visualize Success: Picture yourself nailing it. No, really, visualize it.

  • Start Small: Dipping your toes is better than never diving in.

Share Your Triumphs 🎉

We want to hear your tales of bravery! Did you face your fear and live to tell the tale? Share your experience—every shaky voice and sweaty palm. Just reply to this email.

Who knows? Your story might just inspire the next reader to step into their own fear zone. 


Or rather the second quote of the day. We couldn’t resist.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

— Chinese Proverb

We all have those "shoulda, coulda, woulda" moments. Regrets about what we didn't do, opportunities we missed, trees we never planted. But hey, the past is as untouchable as the last slice of pizza at a party (you know the one).

The real magic lies in today. This very moment.

Think about it: it's never too late to start that dream project, learn a new skill, or simply be a better version of yourself. Whether it's a career shift, a health kick, or finally organizing that chaotic closet—now is the time.

Your Turn!

Reflect on a "tree" in your life that you've been putting off planting. How can you start today?


Conquer Your Inbox, One Swipe at a Time

Ever felt like your email inbox is a bottomless pit? You're not alone. Today's quick tip: Unsubscribe Ruthlessly.


Because less junk means more focus.

Instead of drowning in a sea of promotions, newsletters (except ours, obviously 😎), and updates, you'll only see what matters. Trust us, your future self will thank you.

  • Boost productivity: Knowing exactly what to focus on eliminates distractions and increases efficiency.

  • Reduce stress: A structured day can alleviate the anxiety of an overwhelming to-do list.

  • Improve work-life balance: Allocating time for both work tasks and personal activities ensures you don’t neglect either.

Where can you apply it?

  • Work Emails: Streamline your professional communication. Only keep subscriptions that add real value to your work.

  • Personal Emails: Save yourself from retail temptations and focus on meaningful personal interactions.

  • Newsletters: Curate wisely. Keep only those that enlighten and inspire you (wink, wink).

So go ahead, hit that unsubscribe button with glee. Your inbox will feel lighter, and so will you.


Learn how to become an “Intelligent Investor.”

Warren Buffett says great investors read 8 hours per day. What if you only have 5 minutes a day? Then, read Value Investor Daily.

Every week, it covers:

  • Value stock ideas - today’s biggest value opportunities 📈

  • Principles of investing - timeless lessons from top value investors 💰

  • Investing resources - investor tools and hidden gems 🔎

You’ll save time and energy and become a smarter investor in just minutes daily–free! 👇


From Rock Bottom to Rock Star: Meet Kayla

Kayla’s story is nothing short of extraordinary. Picture this: a year ago, she was drowning in debt, stuck in a dead-end job, and feeling utterly defeated. Fast forward 12 months, and she's now the proud owner of a thriving online boutique, debt-free, and brimming with confidence.

What changed?


Kayla decided to start over. She didn't wait for the "perfect moment" (spoiler: it never comes). Instead, she took small, actionable steps each day. Her first move? Decluttering her life—literally and figuratively. She Marie Kondo'd her way to a clearer mind and discovered a passion for fashion in the process.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Start Small: You don't need a grand plan to start over. Tiny changes can lead to monumental shifts.

  2. Face Your Fears: Sarah faced her financial woes head-on. Ignoring problems doesn't make them disappear; tackling them does.

  3. Stay Consistent: Consistency trumps intensity. Sarah's daily efforts compounded over time, leading her to success.

Sarah's journey is a testament that it's never too late to turn your life around. If she can do it, so can you.

Feeling inspired yet?

Share Your Story. Now, it's your turn. We would love to hear your "starting over" stories! How have new beginnings impacted your life? What are you planning on starting over? Share your story, and who knows, it might be featured in our next newsletter – because we all need a reminder sometimes that it's never too late to start over.


Nope, it’s not another self-help book. We’ve got a podcast that’s packed with more wisdom than your grandma's cookie jar. Tim Ferriss, the human guinea pig himself, interviews world-class performers from eclectic areas (think Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brené—but not Brené—Brown).

Why’s it a Big Deal?

  • Actionable Advice: Each episode is like a mini-MBA, with practical tips and strategies you can apply RIGHT NOW.

  • Mindset Shifts: You'll pick up on habits and routines that these über-successful folks swear by. Trust us, it’s habit-forming in the best way.

  • Inspiration Overload: Feeling stuck? One episode will have you raring to go, ready to smash through your personal and professional goals.

What’s in it for You?

Tim's guests have been there, done that, and are now handing you the playbook. Whether you’re restarting a career, embarking on a health journey, or just need a jolt of inspiration, this podcast is your go-to guide.

Tune in, take notes, and start over daily—like a boss.


Inhale the Good Stuff, Exhale the Bad Vibes

Ready to reset your mental mojo?

Here’s a quick mindfulness exercise to kick off your day with clarity and zen: The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Inhale quietly through your nose for 4 seconds.

  2. Hold the breath for 7 seconds.

  3. Exhale completely through your mouth for 8 seconds.

Easy peasy, right?

So, why bother with this fancy breathing trick? Well, it’s like a spa day for your brain.

  • Reduces stress by calming your nervous system faster than a cat video.

  • Improves focus – Goodbye, scatterbrain!

  • Promotes relaxation – Perfect for dodging those Monday blues or that impending deadline.

Give it a whirl, and watch your day transform from "meh" to "magnificent."

Breathe in... clarity.

Breathe out... chaos.

Your mind will thank you later.

Discover fresh insights and actionable advice with our handpicked articles for today.

1. Shy No More
Feeling socially awkward? Do you want to become more outgoing and improve your social skills? It's possible! With a few small adjustments to your style, you can feel more comfortable and have fun in social situations. Start small, take it step by step, and with these tips, you'll be the life of the party in no time.

Take the first steps →

2. Inner Peace Outshines PowerPoints
The new leadership mantra? Inner peace. Today's top leaders ditch the dictatorial for the introspective, blending self-awareness and empathy with their business savvy. This inward journey transforms boardroom bosses into enlightened leaders who thrive in the ever-evolving business world. Embrace inner growth and watch your leadership skills flourish.

Level up your leadership game →

3. Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
Navigating the financial landscape can be tricky, and many of us end up making some all-too-common mistakes that can put a serious dent in our wallets. Investopedia's guide on the most frequent financial missteps offers a crash course on what not to do with your money.

Read the missteps →

4. Snooze News
Turns out, getting eight hours of sleep isn't just for beauty queens and bed-lovers. Quality sleep isn’t just a dream—it’s a necessity. It’s time to hit the pillow for a solid night of Zs. So, ditch the late-night doom scrolling and prioritize your nightly snooze fest for a healthier, happier you.

5. Zoom Room Revamp
Bored of your bland home office setup? Check out these chic and functional décor ideas to turn your workspace into a productivity powerhouse. Think minimalist designs paired with ergonomic furniture, and a splash of greenery to boost mood and air quality. These tips ensure your office is a place you’ll love spending time in, even on those dreaded Monday mornings.

Refresh your space →


Ever noticed how starting over is like rebooting your phone?

Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh start to speed things up and get everything back on track. Today, as you navigate through the hustle and bustle, remember this: every moment is a chance to hit the reset button.

Speaking of fresh starts, what’s one area of your life that could use a little reboot?

Is it your morning routine? Your career goals? Or maybe just the way you make your coffee?

Take a moment, think about it. Reflect on today’s insights, and let’s make tomorrow even better.

Ready, set, reboot! 

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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