Self-Acceptance Isn’t an Inflated Ego

Good morning, to you!

Trust yourself — your journey is unfolding perfectly.

But wait, Start Over Kitty, things don’t feel perfect!

You nailed it. Acknowledging it all–your strengths, your quirks, your so-called mistakes and flaws–means you start understanding deep in your core that you are worthy and valuable just as you are. Once that thought starts to grow, and you start to really believe it, your whole perspective gets to change. All those circumstances or things that happen become whispers in comparison to the ways you believe in yourself.

What we’re really talking about is self-acceptance.

It’s noticing and being at peace with the choices you have made in the past, and giving yourself unconditional love. You’ve earned it – simply by being.

— Start Over Kitty


“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.”

— EE Cummings


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If you are embarking on a fresh journey into self-acceptance and self-compassion, it’s always a good idea to seek the support of a professional counselor or therapist along the way, especially if you find that these thoughts and practices bring up painful memories or emotions.

Self-Acceptance Is Different from Self-Improvement

There are infinite ways to engage in self-improvement, and self-acceptance is certainly one of them–but don’t get the two concepts confused.

Accepting yourself, your flaws, your mistakes your patterns and conditioning, your successes and failures can be done from a place of love. If your angle is looking to “fix” what’s broken, that mindset will get in the way of truly, deeply accepting yourself.

Now, let’s dive into the importance, impact, and practical ways to incorporate a self-acceptance practice into your life, so you can access greater peace, fulfillment, and happiness!

Self-Acceptance vs. Self-Esteem

To appreciate self-acceptance fully, it's important to distinguish it from self-esteem. Self-esteem is about how you feel about yourself based on external factors — achievements, appearance, and the approval of others. Self-esteem often comes into play when you’re comparing yourself to others, or even to a version of yourself that you’re wishing you could be.

It's a measure of your perceived worth and often fluctuates depending on your successes and failures.

Self-acceptance, on the other hand, is a deeper, more stable state.

It involves embracing all aspects of yourself, both positive and negative, without conditions.

It means acknowledging your flaws, failures, and imperfections while also celebrating your strengths and accomplishments. Unlike self-esteem, self-acceptance doesn’t waver with external circumstances; it provides a solid foundation of self-worth that persists even in challenging times.

What Self-Acceptance Provides…

Mental Well-Being:

Self-acceptance significantly contributes to mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. When you accept yourself fully, you no longer feel the constant pressure to meet unrealistic standards, leading to a more peaceful and content mindset.


You become better equipped to handle setbacks and failures because you don’t tie your self-worth to external achievements.

Authentic Relationships:

When you are at peace with yourself, you can engage in authentic connections and relationships genuinely and without the fear of judgment or abandonment.

Personal Growth:

Self-acceptance is a catalyst for self-improvement! When you acknowledge and accept your flaws, you can work on them from a place of compassion rather than self-criticism.

Enhanced Self-Compassion:

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a close friend. It's about being your own supporter rather than your harshest critic.

Greater Life Satisfaction and Peace:

When you are not constantly striving to be someone else or to fit unrealistic standards, you open yourself up to appreciating life's simple pleasures and joys. You make peace with your past, accept your present, and approach the future with optimism. This internal harmony reduces inner conflict and promotes a balanced, calm state of being.


New Product Alert: The Starting Over Toolkit!

Meet your comprehensive resource for getting crystal-clear clarity on what you truly desire in this season of your life. It’s designed to help you uproot anything that's been holding you back, so you can unapologetically start over in your life or career!

Dig a little deeper and get your copy here.


🤗 Embracing Self-Acceptance

🧠 Greater Self-Acceptance Improves Emotional Well-Being

🌱 The Path to Self-Acceptance, Paved through Daily Practice

📝 Five Tips for Becoming Aware of Your Habits


This week, take on the challenge of integrating some of these practical ways to embrace and practice self-acceptance.

Here’s the catch. Only choose one of these practices, and then, persist with that particular practice all week.

We’ll check in next week to see how you did and give you a chance to share anything that came up for you!

Take a mindful moment each day: Practice being in your body, in your space, and in your mind. Regular mindfulness or meditation practice can nurture a more accepting attitude toward yourself.

Journal for five days: Our absolute, #1, favorite way to help you reflect on where you’ve been, where you’re going, and what patterns keep creeping to the surface. (Bonus challenge: go for all seven days!)

Write down and speak two positive affirmations each day: Statements like “I am enough just as I am” or “I accept myself completely” can slowly, yet fundamentally, rewire your thinking patterns to be more accepting and compassionate.

Enroll a buddy or expand your support system: Check in with a friend or trusted support person each day.


To make any kind of change in your life, it’s incredibly helpful to create a stable foundation of unconditional self-worth.

But it doesn’t happen overnight.

Integrating daily practices (that word “practice” is key!) to help welcome self-acceptance into your mindset and your thoughts has the potential to help you foster a deep sense of fulfillment, peace, and power!

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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