Procrastination: Defeat Your Silent Enemy...

Good Morning, friend!

Ready to conquer your day? We certainly hope so because today we’re sharing on the topic of overcoming procrastination and taking decisive action. It's time to stop hitting the snooze button on your dreams and start shaping your life on YOUR terms.

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” - Charles Dickens

Keep that in mind as you sip your morning coffee.

Oh, and speaking of shaping your life, during our Permission to Start Over team meeting yesterday, we were talking about hosting a wellness retreat (Tulum, anyone?) and thought it would be really fun. We’re thinking like-minded souls, rest and reflection, nourishing meals, daily movement, meditation, and more! Hit reply and let us know if this is something you would be interested in (don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’re committing to anything; we’re just gaging interest right now).

— Start Over Kitty

Procrastination: The Art of Doing Nothing

We've all been there: that looming deadline or the big goal we keep pushing "just one more day." Procrastination is like that charming friend who convinces you to stay out late when you have an early meeting. Fun at the moment, but oh-so-regrettable the next morning.

But guess what? You have the power to break free from this cycle. Yes, you!

Let's start by understanding why we procrastinate. Sometimes it's fear of failure, other times it's perfectionism, and occasionally, it's just plain old laziness (hey, we're all human). Recognizing the root cause is half the battle.

From Stuck to Unstoppable

To overcome procrastination, you need to take decisive action. Sounds simple, right? Well, it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Here are some quick tips to get you from stuck to unstoppable:

  1. Chunk It Down: Break your big goal into smaller, manageable tasks. Like, "write a novel" becomes "write 500 words today." Easy peasy.

  2. Set a Timer: Use the Pomodoro Technique—work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. No, it doesn’t involve tomatoes.

  3. Eliminate Distractions: Turn off those pesky notifications. Close unnecessary tabs. Tell Netflix you'll catch up later. Focused work is productive work.

Decisive Action is Your Superpower

Taking action is like building a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger you become. Start small, but aim high. Whether it's making that phone call, sending that email, or finally organizing your sock drawer—take action, however tiny it seems.

And here’s the kicker: You don’t have to wait for the “perfect” moment. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t exist! The perfect time to start is now. Your future self will thank you.

So, go ahead—take that first step. You'll be surprised how far it leads you.

Embrace the Change, Ride the Wave

So, you've been dragging your feet. Don't worry—we've all been there. But, what if you flip the script on what change means? Instead of seeing it as an annoying guest overstaying its welcome, think of it as that unexpected plot twist in your favorite book.

Here’s a mini-reflection exercise you can try:

  1. Grab your journal. Yep, the one collecting dust.

  2. Write down one change you’ve been avoiding. Be honest, no one's looking over your shoulder.

  3. Now, jot down three positive outcomes this change could bring.

There! Now you’ve just turned dread into opportunity.

You’ve Got This, No Doubt

When it comes to believing in yourself, it all starts with recognizing your strengths—and believe me, you've got a ton.

Are you a fantastic listener? A creative genius? Or maybe you're a whiz at problem-solving? Whatever your strengths, it's time you start to leverage them.

Identify what you’re good at and use those talents to your advantage.

So, trust the process, believe in your capabilities, and remember: you’re stronger than any excuse or obstacle.

Affirmations Practice

We read this article on Recovery Warriors about using affirmations to turn procrastination into productivity and wanted to share. It's all about shifting your mindset with positive statements. These affirmations can help you feel more motivated, confident, and focused, which can boost your productivity and success. It's like giving yourself a pep talk to overcome procrastination and get things done. Super inspiring stuff!

Recipe: Brain-Boosting Smoothie

Feeling stuck? Need a little oomph to get your gears grinding?

Try this brain-boosting smoothie that’s deliciously simple but also packs a punch to help you think clearer and move forward.


  • 1 banana

  • 1 cup of spinach

  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds

  • 1 cup of almond milk

  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  1. Toss all those goodies into a blender.

  2. Blend until smooth.

  3. Enjoy!


That's all for today. See you tomorrow, same time, same place, ready to conquer the world—one action at a time.

Start Over Kitty & the Permission to Start Over Team


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