Land On Your Feet with the Power of Personal Values

In partnership with

Dear Wonderful Human,

New beginnings come in infinite forms; every day is a chance to start over.

But what’s the point of starting over if we don’t know why?

Make your values your North Star, dear reader.

When we go through life chasing the things we think or feel are important, we find ourselves scurrying in every direction. Instead, try to identify the MOST important two or three values in your life — the things that anchor our beliefs about ourselves, about the world, and about ourselves in the world.

Having clearly defined values means you’re like a cat (ehem!) with natural, instinctual balance, navigating life with grace and clarity.

You’ll land on your feet every time!

— Start Over Kitty


“The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and to hold them in the right scale of values.”

— Norman Thomas


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Establishing our personal values isn’t just about stating them—it’s about living them out loud!

What if your work life and your personal life were beautiful, huge mirrors, reflecting back to you what you truly believe in?

Satisfying, right?

Understanding and defining your personal values is a journey of self-discovery and intentional living, and the process is well worth it. Identifying these values allows you to:

  • Make informed decisions: Know what’s essential and opt for choices that vibe with your core.

  • Reduce internal conflict: Say goodbye to that nagging feeling of being pulled in ten different directions!

  • Gain direction and purpose: Wave hello to a clear path and a sense of meaning.

How to Choose Identify Your Values

The first distinction to make here is that your professional and personal values already exist. You just might not be completely aware of them, or how they run the show…or which values aren’t present, their absence instead creating friction or unease in your life.

It’s normal to feel drawn to a dozen or more values because they all appear incredibly important.

The ultimate aim, though, is to zone in on just two core values that resonate with you.

Step 1: Start with the ten-to-fifteen values that speak to you. Circle ‘em all. (At Permission to Start Over HQ, we love Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead Values List. There’s also a spot to write-in your own!)

Step 2 through “However Long It Takes”: Next? Slowly sift through them. Cross out the values that you could live without. Measure up two similar values and intuit which one needs to go and which one stays on the list. Keep going until you have two values left.

But Start Over Kitty, Why Only Two Core Values?

Brené Brown shares that these are the core values that “help you find your way in the dark,” that “fill you with a sense of purpose.” By narrowing your focus, you gain clear criteria for assessing your next steps, choices, and actions.

These trusty guideposts help you evaluate whether you’re truly aligned with what you wish to stand for!

For example, if 'integrity' is a core value, you will naturally feel drawn to act honestly, even when it’s tough. And when you’re asked to be dishonest, it won’t feel right.

If 'compassion' defines you, lending a helping hand or empathizing with another’s experience likely feels fulfilling to you.

Living according to these main values helps you to 'walk your talk' by aligning your actions with your beliefs, ensuring you are consistent and authentic in all areas of life.


Kind Words from our Permission to Start Over Community

Hi Start Over Kitty,

Just wanted to say a great big thank you for your thoughts today!

It is and was exactly what I needed to read :)

Thanks for sending these awesome small yet powerful ideas into the world: very grateful!

Sending you good vibes.


Dear A.,

We truly appreciate your kind words and are so glad we could share these thoughts with you. Good vibes coming right back at’cha!

-Start Over Kitty


💪 Dare to Lead: Values List

🔍 MindTools: What are your values?

⚡️ 7 Signs That You Need a Change

❤️ Maintaining and Building Healthy Relationships

🧭 How to Find, Define, and Use Your Values


Featured Recipe: Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

A quick and simple way to get veggies and lean meats onto your family’s table!


What would be possible if you took a long, deep look at your values every year? Every quarter? Every morning?

You might notice that your values may shift over time, or that one or two become more important than others as the circumstances of your life change.

Embracing and living your core values is your all-access pass to an authentic and fulfilling life!

It empowers you to make choices that reflect your essence, crafting a life that’s true, vibrant, and uniquely yours!

So go, go, go for it!

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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