Feeling like a hamster on a wheel? Read this.

Hello, there!

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us when we least expect it, doesn’t it?

Sometimes, it feels like we’re stuck in quicksand, unable to move forward despite our best efforts. If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone. Today, we’re exploring how to navigate these feelings and find a way to get unstuck.

— Start Over Kitty


"The beautiful thing about life is that you can always change, grow, and get better. You aren’t defined by your past. You aren’t your mistakes."

— Anonymous


Feeling Stuck? You're Not Alone

We've all been there. You've put in the work, done the self-growth exercises, and yet, something feels... off. The feeling of being stuck can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that it's a part of the journey.

In this articcle, 5 Reasons You Still Feel Stuck in Your Mental Health Despite Doing Self-Growth Work, the author shares the common reasons why people feel this way.

Read more here.

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According to an insightful article on Forbes, there are several strategies to help you get unstuck in your personal finances. The piece delves into practical tips such as creating a realistic budget, automating savings, and seeking professional advice.

Another valuable resource comes from Kahler Financial, which emphasizes the importance of asking for help when you're financially stuck. Sometimes, pride or fear can keep us from reaching out, but professional guidance can offer new perspectives and solutions.


Does your relationship feel like it's stuck in a rut, recycling the same issues over and over? According to a thought-provoking article from Psychology Today, it's all about breaking free from traditional patterns.

Understanding and identifying these patterns can be the first step towards a more fulfilling relationship. It's about communication, honesty, and a willingness to change.

If you're searching for practical advice and tips, you might find the APA's podcast episode on getting unstuck incredibly helpful. In this episode, experts share their insights on what it takes to move forward and improve your relationship dynamics.

From understanding emotional triggers to developing empathy, you'll gather actionable steps to enhance your connection with your partner.


Ever feel like no matter what you do, you're just not making progress with your health? It can be incredibly frustrating.

In the article "Getting Unstuck: Introducing the Triangle of Health", the experts at Richmond Functional Medicine discuss a concept that might help you, the Triangle of Health—a balanced approach focusing on physical, mental, and digestive health.


New Product Alert: The Starting Over Toolkit!

We're excited to share our brand-new product designed especially for you: the Starting Over Toolkit! It's packed with everything you need to make your fresh start not just easier, but genuinely enriching.

Check out the full overview and get your hands on it here.

🗓️ Newsletter Schedule Update

We've been listening closely to your feedback. Many of you have shared that your inboxes are overflowing. To respect your time and provide more value, we're shifting our newsletter delivery to Monday through Friday.

We might bring back the weekend editions if there's enough interest, but for now, let's make the most of our weekdays together!

We're also offering an option for you to subscribe weekly or daily.

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You now have the ability to update your reading frequency preferences. The result? A more personalized experience for you.

To manage your subscription:

  1. Log in to your account.

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Rearrange Your Space

Sometimes, a fresh perspective starts with a fresh space. Whether it's your desk, your living room, or even just a small corner of your home, take a few moments to rearrange it. Move the furniture, add a new plant, or even just change the pictures on the wall.

Why This Works:

  • Boosts Creativity: A change in environment can spark new ideas and perspectives.

  • Reduces Stress: Cluttered spaces often lead to cluttered minds; a tidy area can bring clarity.

  • Inspires Action: Sometimes, physical movement can trigger mental shifts.

Give it a try! Take a before and after photo to see the difference it makes.


Take that step with courage and grace. You have the strength within you to navigate any storm. Even when the path is unclear, trust yourself. Each moment of hesitation is just a reminder that you care deeply about your well-being.

Lean on your support system. Seek joy in small victories. Celebrate every win, no matter how tiny it may seem.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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