Ever Wondered if Midlife Could Be Your Best Life?

Hello, wonderful readers!

We are thrilled to welcome you to today’s edition of our newsletter, where we’re embracing a luxurious approach to living an enriched, fulfilling life.

Today's theme is all about transformation. Forget the notion of a "midlife crisis." Instead, we're exploring the concept of a midlife renaissance—a time to rejuvenate and rediscover yourself with grace and elegance.

Say goodbye to those old, negative connotations and hello to a fresh, vibrant chapter in your life.

— Start Over Kitty


"The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected."

— Robert Frost


From Crisis to Renaissance: Redefine Your Midlife Experience

Transform midlife crisis into an era of rebirth.

For decades, the term midlife crisis has conjured images of impulsive decisions and existential despair. The stereotypical middle-aged individual, suddenly confronted with their mortality, makes drastic changes — sometimes abandoning careers, relationships, or even purchasing that flashy, red sports car.

But what if this pivotal life stage wasn't about crisis but about rebirth?

Reinvention, Not Regression

Here's the thing: midlife is not a crisis; it's an opportunity. An opportunity to:

  • Reevaluate what's truly important to you.

  • Reinvent yourself in ways you never dreamed possible.

  • Reconnect with passions that got lost somewhere between "I do" and "I'll pick up the kids."

Be the Architect of Your Own Renaissance

Instead of buying that flashy red sports car, why not invest in something that will truly enrich your life? Take that pottery class you've always been curious about, or finally start writing the novel that's been marinating in your mind for years.

Get a Life—Your Life

This is your moment to shine, to pivot, to become the person you've always wanted to be. Not because society expects it, but because you deserve it.

Think of midlife as a blank canvas. You've got the experience, the wisdom, and yes, even the resources to paint it however you like.

A Toast to the New You

So, let's raise a glass to midlife—not as a crisis, but as a renaissance. Because when you look back, you won't remember the things you didn't do; you'll remember the risks you took, the dreams you chased, and the person you became.

Here's to your extraordinary midlife renaissance!

Recommended Newsletter


From Midlife Crisis to Midlife Renaissance: Stacy London Takes on Menopause

Feeling like life is throwing curveballs at you? Stacy London, former co-host of "What Not to Wear," knows the feeling. In this candid interview, she shares her journey from a perceived midlife crisis to a midlife renaissance, confronting menopause head-on.

  • Summary: Stacy discusses how menopause initially felt like a crisis, but she turned it into an opportunity for growth.

  • Key Insight: Embracing change, rather than fearing it, can lead to unexpected personal growth.

  • Read more

What is a Midlife Renaissance?

Midlife can feel like a perfectly orchestrated symphony, or a complete cacophony. The good news? It's all about perspective. This article dives into the concept of a midlife renaissance and how it redefines the traditional midlife crisis.

  • Summary: The author explains how midlife can become a period of renewal and rediscovery.

  • Key Insight: Shifting your mindset from crisis to renaissance opens up a world of possibilities.

  • Read more

Changing Your Life is Not a Crisis

Ever felt like changing your life is synonymous with disaster? Think again! This insightful piece challenges the notion that change must come through crisis. Instead, it offers a refreshing perspective on how to approach life transitions with grace and optimism.

  • Summary: The article debunks the myth that significant life changes must be crises.

  • Key Insight: Viewing changes as opportunities can transform your experience.

  • Read more


New Product Alert: The Starting Over Toolkit!

We're excited to share our brand-new product designed especially for you: the Starting Over Toolkit! It's packed with everything you need to make your fresh start not just easier, but genuinely enriching.

Check out the full overview and get your hands on it here.

🗓️ Newsletter Schedule Update

We've been listening closely to your feedback. Many of you have shared that your inboxes are overflowing. To respect your time and provide more value, we're shifting our newsletter delivery to Monday through Friday.

We might bring back the weekend editions if there's enough interest, but for now, let's make the most of our weekdays together!

We're also offering an option for you to subscribe weekly or daily.

🔄 Introducing: Subscriber Preferences

You now have the ability to update your reading frequency preferences. The result? A more personalized experience for you.

To manage your subscription:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click on your profile in the upper right corner.

  3. Select Manage Subscription.

  4. Select Preferences.

  5. Select Daily, Weekly or both of them.


Midlife Renaissance Bucket List

Here’s a fun and lighthearted activity for you: Start a Midlife Renaissance Bucket List.

Steps to Create Your Bucket List:

  1. Grab a fancy notebook: Yes, the one you've been saving for a "special occasion." This is it.

  2. Write down 10 things you’ve always wanted to do but never got around to. Think big, think bold!

  3. Prioritize: Pick one or two items and make a plan to start them this month.

Why Bother?

  • Rediscover Your Passions: Remember that excitement you felt when you tried something new? Time to reignite that spark!

  • Boost Your Mood: Achieving even small goals can release those feel-good endorphins. Consider it a happiness hack.

  • Expand Your Horizons: Trying new things can lead to unexpected opportunities and adventures.

Go ahead, give it a whirl. Who knows? Your midlife renaissance might just turn into the most exciting chapter yet!


It's clear: midlife isn't about crisis—it's about opportunity. An opportunity to rediscover passions, redefine purpose, and rejuvenate our lives.

So, if you're feeling stuck or uncertain, remember: change is not a crisis. It's a chance to evolve.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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