35,000 Decisions a day?! Make 'em count

Good Morning, fabulous humans!

Welcome to another glorious Monday.

Did you know that the average person makes about 35,000 decisions every single day? From choosing what to have for breakfast to deciding on a career path, every choice shapes your life. So, why not make them count?

Today, we're diving into the power of choice. You can shape your life according to your desires, not according to what society says or past conditioning dictates.

So grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and explore how you can harness this incredible power to create a life that's genuinely yours.

— Start Over Kitty


Choices Are Like Underwear: Make Sure They're Yours

Ever feel like you're stuck in someone else's story? Like you've been handed a script and told to just roll with it? It's time to crumple that script and start fresh.

Let's talk about the power of choice. Your choice. Not your mom's, not your boss's, not even your dog's (though, let's be real, dogs have great intuition).

Identify Choices: Whose Life Are You Living?

Take a moment. Think about a decision you’ve made recently. Was it influenced by others, or was it truly your own? Recognize the difference. It’s like deciding between wearing an itchy wool sweater because it's trendy or opting for that comfy cotton tee you actually love.

Empower Yourself: Be the Boss of You

Guess what? You have the ability to choose differently. Yes, you! You can create a life that aligns with your values and passions. No more settling for less-than-ideal situations. Whether it’s changing your job, your city, or just your breakfast cereal, you wield the power.

Action Steps: Journaling Exercise

Grab that journal (or a napkin, we don’t judge). Write about a decision you made recently. Did it align with your true desires? If not, how can you choose differently next time? Be honest. Be raw. There’s no wrong answer, just your truth.

Visualization: Time to Daydream

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself making choices that honor your true self. See the positive outcomes of these decisions. Feel the joy, the freedom, the satisfaction. Now, open your eyes and make it happen.

Ponder This

What's one choice you can make today that will move you closer to the life you truly want? Think about it. Dream it. Then, do it.


Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? To Stay Motivated!

Motivation. It’s that sparkly unicorn we’re all chasing. One minute, you’re ready to conquer the world, and the next, you’re struggling to get off the couch. But guess what? Even when motivation fades, staying connected to your core values can keep you driven.

How, you ask? Great question. Let’s break it down.

Align Your Actions with Your Values

  1. Know Thyself: First things first, take a moment to identify what really matters to you. Are you driven by creativity, compassion, or maybe even the pursuit of knowledge?

  2. Set Value-Based Goals: Once you’ve nailed down your values, set goals that resonate with them. If you value family, perhaps aim to spend more quality time with loved ones. If it’s health, set a fitness milestone.

  3. Check-In Regularly: Don’t just set it and forget it. Regularly review your goals and actions to ensure they still align with your core values. It’s like keeping your GPS updated—no one wants to end up at the wrong destination.

Stay Fueled with Purpose

It’s easy to get sidetracked by shiny distractions or societal expectations. But when your actions align with what you truly value, you’ll find that motivation becomes a loyal companion rather than a fleeting visitor.

Keep your values in sight, and your journey will always have purpose.

A few more topics to explore …


One Small Step for You, One Giant Leap for Your Goals

If you’re ready to transform your dreams into reality, then it's time to take bold steps and focus on building momentum through daily progress. Even the smallest actions can lead to monumental changes. Here's your action plan:

  • Face Your Fears: Identify one fear that has been holding you back. Write it down. Acknowledge it. Then, take one small step to confront it. Whether it’s making that phone call, sending that email, or finally starting that project—do it today.

  • Daily Commitment: Commit to one small, consistent action each day that aligns with your goals. Remember, consistency is key. Small steps, when taken daily, create a path to success.

  • Track Your Progress: Keep a record of your daily actions. Use a journal, an app, or even a sticky note on your fridge. Celebrate each small win. Did you take that step today? High-five yourself. Achievements, no matter how small, deserve recognition.

Action Steps:

  1. List Your Goals: Write down your top three goals for the week.

  2. Identify Obstacles: Note any fears or obstacles associated with these goals.

  3. Take a Small Step: Today, take one action that moves you closer to one of your goals.


Trust Fall: Who's Catching You? (Spoiler: It's You)

Self-belief. It's that thing we all hear about but often fail to find. Here's the kicker—it's not as elusive as you might think.

First off, let's talk about the significance of believing in yourself. Imagine having your personal cheerleader. But instead of pom-poms, they’re armed with unwavering confidence in your abilities. Sounds great, right? Now, imagine that cheerleader is you. Yes, you!

Self-compassion is your secret weapon here. Recognize your worth. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you'd offer to your best friend, even if they've just spilled coffee on your favorite shirt. You're worth it—stains and all.

So, how do you get this positive self-talk thing going? Start small:

  • Replace “I can’t” with “I’m learning.

  • Swap “I failed” for “This is a stepping stone.”

  • Transform “I’m not good enough” into “I’m doing my best, and that’s enough.

These tiny shifts in language can work wonders. Your brain will catch on.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your self-belief. Be patient. Keep building.

And most importantly, keep believing.


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Trivia Time

Which famous philosopher said, "The only thing constant in life is change"?

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We want to hear from you!

We want to hear your decision-making secrets! Have a trick up your sleeve for making tough choices? Spill the beans by dropping us a line at [email protected].


Choices, Choices, Choices!

Take a few minutes to reflect on today’s theme about choices. How can you exercise your power of choice, stay motivated, take action, and believe in yourself? Use these moments of reflection to reinforce your growth and set a positive tone for the day.

Reflection Prompt: What is one value you hold dear, and how can you ensure your actions reflect this value today? Write it down and commit to it.


You're the author of your own story. Your choices shape the narrative, so make them count. Rewrite the parts that don’t serve you, and take bold steps to craft the life you truly desire.

Here's to making choices that light you up, not just the ones that make society nod approvingly.

Start Over Kitty & The Permission to Start Over Team


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  1. Heraclitus


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